Please check my Google Scholar or Scopus profiles for the latest information.

Journal Articles

  • 27. Takuma Watari, Catrin Böcher, André Baumgart, Jonna Ljunge, and Dominik Wiedenhofer (2025)
    Mapping sand flows and stocks

    One Earth, 8, 2, 101197

Book Chapters

  • 1. Damien Giurco, Elsa Dominish, Nick Florin, Takuma Watari and Benjamin McLellan (2019)
    Requirements for Minerals and Metals for 100% RE Scenarios
    In Teske, S. (Eds) “Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals: Global and Regional 100% Renewable Energy Scenarios to achieve the Paris Agreement Goals with non-energy GHG pathways for +1.5℃ and +2.0℃”, Springer

Invited Lectures/Talks