最新の情報はGoogle Scholarもしくは Scopusをご覧ください。
- 26. Takuma Watari and Benjamin McLellan (2024)
Decarbonizing the global steel industry in a resource-constrained future—a systems perspective
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 382, 2284
- 25. Takuma Watari and Benjamin McLellan (2024)
Global demand for green hydrogen-based steel: Insights from 28 scenarios
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 79, 19, 630-635
- 24. Hibiki Takimoto, Shoki Kosai, Takuma Watari, and Eiji Yamasue (2024)
Circular economy can mitigate rising mining demand from global vehicle electrification
Resources Conservation and Recycling, 209, 107748
- 23. Takuma Watari, Naho Yamashita, and André Cabrera Serrenho (2024)
Net-zero embodied carbon in buildings with today’s available technologies
Environmental Science & Technology, 58, 4, 1793-1801
- 22. Takuma Watari, André Cabrera Serrenho, Lukas Gast, Jonathan Cullen, and Julian Allwood (2023)
Feasible supply of steel and cement within a carbon budget is likely to fall short of expected global demand
Nature Communications, 14, 7895
- 21. Takuma Watari, Damien Giurco, and Jonathan Cullen (2023)
Scrap Endowment and inequalities in global steel decarbonization
Journal of Cleaner Production, 425, 139041
- 20. Lulu Song, Stijn van Ewijk, Eric Masanet, Takuma Watari, Fanran Meng, Jonathan Cullen, Zhi Cao, and Wei-Qiang Chen (2023)
China’s bulk material loops can be closed but deep decarbonization requires demand reduction
Nature Climate Change, 13, 1136-1143
- 19. Takuma Watari, Zhi Cao, André Cabrera Serrenho, and Jonathan Cullen (2023)
Growing role of concrete in sand and climate crises
iScience, 26, 5, 106782
- 18. Yingchao Cheng, Takuma Watari, Jacopo Seccatore, Kenichi Nakajima, Keisuke Nansai, and Masaki Takaoka (2023)
A review of gold production, mercury consumption, and emission in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM)
Resources Policy, 81, 103370
- 17. Takuma Watari, Sho Hata, Kenichi Nakajima, and Keisuke Nansai (2023)
Limited quantity and quality of steel supply in a zero-emission future
Nature Sustainability, 6, 336-343
- 16. Takuma Watari, Zhi Cao, Sho Hata, and Keisuke Nansai (2022)
Efficient use of cement and concrete to reduce reliance on supply-side technologies for net-zero emissions
Nature Communications, 13, 4158
- 15. Ryosuke Yokoi, Takuma Watari, and Masaharu Motoshita (2022)
Temporally explicit abiotic depletion potential (TADP) for mineral resource use based on future demand projections
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 1-12
- 14. Ngoc Han Hoang, Tomonori Ishigaki, Takuma Watari, Masato Yamada, and Ken Kawamoto (2022)
Current state of building demolition and potential for selective dismantling in Vietnam
Waste Management, 149, 218-227
- 13. Takuma Watari, Stephen Northey, Damien Giurco, Sho Hata, Ryosuke Yokoi, Keisuke Nansai, and Kenichi Nakajima (2022)
Global copper cycles and greenhouse gas emissions in a 1.5 °C world
Resources Conservation and Recycling, 179, 106118
- 12. Ryosuke Yokoi, Takuma Watari, and Masaharu Motoshita (2022)
Future greenhouse gas emissions from metal production: gaps and opportunities towards climate goals
Energy and Environmental Science, 15, 146-157
- 11. Takuma Watari, Keisuke Nansai and Kenichi Nakajima (2021)
Contraction and convergence of in-use metal stocks to meet climate goals
Global Environmental Change, 69, 102284
- 10. Takuma Watari, Keisuke Nansai, Kenichi Nakajima, and Damien Giurco (2021)
Sustainable energy transitions require enhanced resource governance
Journal of Cleaner Production, 312, 20, 127698
- 9. Takuma Watari and Ryosuke Yokoi (2021)
International inequality in in-use metal stocks: What it portends for the future
Resources Policy, 70, 101968
- 8. Ryosuke Yokoi, Keisuke Nansai, Kenichi Nakajima, Takuma Watari and Masaharu Motoshita (2021)
Responsibility of Consumers for Mining Capacity: Decomposition Analysis of Scarcity-weighted Metal Footprints in the Case of Japan
iScience, 24, 1, 102025
- 7. Takuma Watari, Keisuke Nansai and Kenichi Nakajima (2021)
Major metals demand, supply, and environmental impacts to 2100: A critical review
Resources Conservation and Recycling, 164, 105107
- 6. Takuma Watari, Keisuke Nansai, Damien Giurco, Kenichi Nakajima, Benjamin McLellan and Christoph Helbig (2020)
Global Metal Use Targets in Line with Climate Goals
Environmental Science and Technology, 54(19), 12476-12483
- 5. Takuma Watari, Keisuke Nansai and Kenichi Nakajima (2020)
Review of critical metal dynamics to 2050 for 48 elements
Resources Conservation and Recycling, 155, 104669
- 4. Benjamin McLellan, Takuma Watari, Seiichi Ogata and Tetsuo Tezuka (2019)
Resources-energy-development nexus and its implications for achieving the SDGs in Asia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 136, 1
- 3. Takuma Watari, Keisuke Nansai, Kenichi Nakajima, Benjamin McLellan, Elsa Dominish and Damien Giurco (2019)
Integrating Circular Economy Strategies with Low-Carbon Scenarios: Lithium Use in Electric Vehicles
Environmental Science and Technology, 53, 20, 11657-11665
- 2. Takuma Watari, Benjamin McLellan, Damien Giurco, Elsa Dominish, Eiji Yamasue and Keisuke Nansai (2019)
Total material requirement for the global energy transition to 2050: A focus on transport and electricity
Resources Conservation and Recycling, 148, 91-103
- 1. Takuma Watari, Benjamin McLellan, Seiichi Ogata and Tetsuo Tezuka (2018)
Analysis of Potential for Critical Metal Resource Constraints in the International Energy Agency’s Long-Term Low-Carbon Energy Scenarios
Minerals, 8(4), 156
- 1. Damien Giurco, Elsa Dominish, Nick Florin, Takuma Watari and Benjamin McLellan (2019)
Requirements for Minerals and Metals for 100% RE Scenarios
In Teske, S. (Eds) “Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals: Global and Regional 100% Renewable Energy Scenarios to achieve the Paris Agreement Goals with non-energy GHG pathways for +1.5℃ and +2.0℃”, Springer
- 1. 南齋 規介, 渡 卓磨 (2022)
廃棄物資源循環学会誌, 33, 1, 17-24
- 22. 渡 卓磨 “金属の資源循環を測る:世界はどれだけ循環型なのか?“, プロセスメタラジー研究会 第2回研究会 第3分科会(資源・環境関連技術), 2025/2/13
- 21. 渡 卓磨 “鍵を握る木造化、国産材供給、再造林“, 木材利用システム研究会サステナビリティ部会, 2024/12/23
- 20. Takuma Watari “Life Cycle Assessment in the Circular Economy: Case Studies“, Advancing responsible minerals for the energy transition, 2024/10/28
- 19. 渡 卓磨 “産業部⾨の脱炭素化において鍵となる対策は何か?“, サステナブル・インフラ研究会(SIX研究会), 2024/5/10
- 18. Takuma Watari “Decarbonising the global steel industry in a resource-constrained future – a systems perspective“, The Royal Society Scientific Meeting (Sustainable metals: science and systems), 2024/2/5
- 17. 渡 卓磨 “産業エコロジーから脱炭素を考える“, 土木学会 構造工学委員会 技術融合による新たな土木技術検討小委員会, 2023/12/26
- 16. 渡 卓磨 “日本と世界の鉄鋼フロー構造“, CEN(気候非常事態ネットワーク)設立3周年記念シンポジウム, 2023/11/21
- 15. Takuma Watari “Limited quantity and quality of steel supply in a zero-emission future“, IOP Publishing Environmental Research 2023, 2023/11/15
- 14. 渡 卓磨 “資源利用とカーボンニュートラル“, 『プラネタリーヘルスに向けた物質利用の未来戦略と目標を皆で考える』セミナー/ワークショップ, 2023/10/13
- 13. 渡 卓磨 “カーボンニュートラルの実現に向けた素材利用の将来像“, 土木学会「コンクリート技術を活用したカーボンニュートラルの実現に向けて」に関する講習会, 2023/10/2
- 12. 渡 卓磨 “脱炭素社会において我々は素材をいかに使うべきか?“, 京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究科IAESRECサイエンスカフェ, 2023/9/14
- 11. Takuma Watari “Materials Systems in a Zero-Emission World“, University of Cambridge FIBES Lunchtime Seminar, 2023/5/25
- 10. 渡 卓磨 “カーボンニュートラル社会への移行は日本の鉄鋼生産/鉄スクラップ利用をどのように変えるのか“, 株式会社JEMSセミナー, 2023/5/9
- 9. 渡 卓磨 “The role of materials in climate change mitigation“, 東北大学 環境政策学特論 (集中講義), 2022/8/3
- 8. Takuma Watari “Bulk material cycles at national level in a zero-emission future“, 12th session of the ISIE SEM Online Perpetual Conference, 2022/7/21
- 7. Takuma Watari “The availability of copper – a perspective from science“, 14th Copper Academy, 2022/6/30
- 6. Takuma Watari “Critical material risks in the global energy transition“, 9th Japan-U.S. Bilateral Meeting on Rare Metals, 2022/3/10
- 5. Takuma Watari “The role of critical minerals and resource governance in sustainable energy transitions“,
Australia Japan Symposium: Critical minerals for climate change mitigation – Reducing risks in lithium supply chains, 2021/12/10
- 4. 渡 卓磨 “カーボンニュートラル社会における金属生産・利用・循環システム“,
一般社団法人日本メタル経済研究所「カーボンニュートラルとメタル」セミナー, 2021/11/10
- 3. 渡 卓磨 “炭素制約が世界規模での金属生産と利用にもたらす影響の推定“,
JX金属戦略技研株式会社セミナー, 2021/10/11
- 2. 渡 卓磨 “金属ストックの節減と収斂“,
日本鉄鋼協会 サステナブルシステム部会 グリーンエネルギーフォーラム/鉄鋼に関わる資源効率評価フォーラム共催「ゼロカーボン社会に向けた鉄鋼産業のエネルギーおよび資源効率」, 2021/9/3
- 1. Takuma Watari “Critical materials demand in the green transition: a review“,
ISIE Socioeconomic Metabolism Section perpetual online conference, 2020/10/9
- 5. 国立環境研究所 “建築材料のカーボンニュートラル達成に必要な対策を解明 -木造化・国産材供給・再造林の同時推進が鍵に-“, 2024/1/25
- 4. 国立環境研究所 “カーボンニュートラル社会での材料供給は世界的に不足の可能性 〜資源効率性の向上が急務〜“, 2023/12/11
- 3. 国立環境研究所 “カーボンニュートラル社会への移行は日本の鉄鋼生産・利用をどのように変えるのか“, 2023/1/20
- 2. 国立環境研究所 “セメント・コンクリート部門のカーボンニュートラル達成方法を解明~供給側と需要側の一体的対策が必要~“, 2022/8/2
- 1. 国立環境研究所 “炭素制約が世界規模での金属生産と利用にもたらす影響を推定“, 2021/6/4